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Saturday 17.6.2023

Matkailukeskus Rauhalahti, Kuopio


Unofficial Specialty for Pharaoh Hounds and Ibizan Hounds.


Judge Britt-Marie Sundgvist, kennel Siphra´s



Favorite class 

( Unofficial class for pet dogs, who is unable to participate in official classes (etc. no testicles)

Babies under 7 months

Toddlers  7 months-under 9 months

Kids 9 months - under 15 months 

Teenagers 15 months - under 24 months

Matures 2 years - under 5 years

Grown ups 5 years- under 7 years

Seniors 7 years - under 10 years

Fossils over 10 years.      


Relatives ( 3-5 dogs from same breeder)

Family (sire / dam and 3-5 descendants)



Ibizanpodencos compete as one breed regardless of coat quality.



Entries before 31.5.2023

For SFK members / non members

1st dog 20€ / 25 €
2nd etc. dog from same owner 15 € / 20 €

Veterans over 10 years in Favorite or Fossils class 0€

Favorite class 10 €/15 €â€‹


Entries for Unofficial Farkkushow should be made by the link below:






Sunday 18.6.2023

Matkailukeskus Rauhalahti, Kuopio


Official Speciality with CAC for Pharaoh Hounds and Ibizan Hounds


Judge: Maija Lehtonen



Baby 5-7 months 

Puppy 7-9 months

Junior, Intermediate, open, working, champion and Veteran classes. 

Unofficial class for pet dogs, who is unable to participate in official classes ( testicles).


There is also Breeder and Progeny groups.



BIS Puppy

BIS Junior

BIS Veteran

BIS Working dog

BIS Breeder

BIS Progeny 

Best in Show


Extra competitions by breed ( Ibizan Hounds together).

Best head and Expression

Best movement

The most Sympathetic-dog 


Best Brace (for both breeds together.) 



Entries before 18.5.2023

1st dog 30 €

2nd etc. dog from same owner 25 €

puppies and veterans 25 €

Veterans over 10 years 0 € in veteran or favorite class.

Favorite class 25 €


Entries between 19.5- 31.5.2023 Only online.

50 € / dog ( all classes)



The entries can be done electronic in Showlink's online service

(credit card payment).

Name of the show "Faaraokoira ja Ibizanpodencot"


Registration for the show must be done by post or via internet. 



By post

Finnish Kennel Club's registration form

and a copy of the payment of the registration fee:


Jenna Leino

Ilveskuja 4

21220 Raisio




 Send  a copy of the payment of the registration fee by email to: 

Fill out the registration form for each dog separately. 

Exhibition mail will be delivered to the email address in the registration.


When entering the dog to the show, the exhibitor undertakes to comply existing rules of the Finnish Kennel Club and supplementary regulations and vaccination regulations.



Payment from abroad:
IBAN: FI66 5461 0720 0170 53

Account name: Suomen Faaraokoirat ja Ibizanpodencot ry 

Reference number: 3007



Use the reference, do not mark anything in the message box. 

You can pay for all registrations at once, in one single payment; 

if necessary, include a separate handwritten message with the receipt for analysis.


Registration must always be done in writing - just paying the exhibition fee is not a registration! 




Jenna Leino, p.0500 525 723,






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